Wednesday 27 June 2018


It is an image scattered
By the flips and folds of ripples
Cascading from the splash
Of when the pebble of choice
Slammed against the unruffled
Surface of the lake of memories,
Upon which you had imprinted
Your face firmly, tunneling through
My vulnerable eyes and planting it
Within the impenetrable vaults
Of the crumbling ruins of my soul.
That image refracted light
To every corner, seeking parallels,
Dusting away with reassurances
Every little shadow and, like Atlas,
Keeping my world from destruction.
Yet somehow you realised my soul
Was not the paradise you sought
And, just like that, let it all fall
As you ran back out of my life
And vanished leaving nothing behind
But your face in the water.
I tried for a long time to hold on
To the last hints of your reflections
Which banished shadows in my mind.
Yet it wasn't you and I knew
That ruins ought not to exist too long.
So I picked up a pebble
And let it spash with a force
At the remnants of your memory,
Letting the ruins fall
And as the water settled
And another face took form
I gazed at the new face, an old one,
One I'd dismissed as unimportant,
One I pushed aside to make room
For the faces of others,
And once more, like I had so long ago,
Designed and constructed a paradise
From the flickering candlelight
That burnt by the wick of ideas
Channeled from the light that was formed
Upon the surface of the now still water--
An image of my own soul.

- 27/06/18

Thursday 26 April 2018


Have you seen her?
My little pixie,
Yay high
Sprightly feet
Feisty twirl
A big pounding heart
Near transparent skin
Ruffling spitefully
Like the open pages
Of a deadly book.
Have you seen her?
My sweet pixie
With a mouth that blabbers
And eyes that wonder
And ears too keen
For the sound of your voice
Long fingers that cast spells
Packed away amongst brain cells
Much too magnificent
For the ordinary human mind.
Have you seen her?
My dear pixie
Larger than life
Quick on the tongue
A hysteric giggle of champions
Magical, powerful
And much much more
Than your beliefs can fathom.
Have you seen her?
My impossible pixie
The spark in my soul
The wild current in my mind
The echo of a carefree world
Now stomped upon through love
Aching away
In a seething ball of flames.
Have you seen her?
The pixie I lost?
She eluded my grasp
As I held too hard
Spoke too soon
Tried to sing the song of another
And now she's gone.
If you find her
Please call her gently
Hold her lovingly
Laugh with her dreamily
And don't let go.
If you see
My little pixie
Please let her know
That I love her.

Don't look away

Keep your eyes wide open
And watch carefully
Every inch
Every cobwebbed corner
Notice every little crack
In every crevice of each tile.
Don't dare to blink!
Don't blink or you'll miss it.
You'll miss the reality.
The reality that escapes
Through the cracks of time.
Out for what's not there.
Watch out for something abnormal,
Out of the corner of your eye
That edge you always ignore.
Don't look away
As the world blurs around you
Look between those hazy lines
And maybe
If you look close enough
You'll spot something
That couldn't possibly be.
And for once
You may be the first
To see the secret
Everyone's only ever heard of
And never witnessed.
And you'll find
Something strange,
Something new,
Something willing with all its might
To finally come true.