Sunday, 22 October 2017

I Wait

They tell me my words were good.
They whisper “Where are you now?
You are not who you used to be
You are not right
You are not...”
I am me.
I am where I was meant to be.
This path was one I chose to walk on
And I shan't regret not following the herd
They tell me I'm strange
And wrong
And ask me to fight.
They tell me to hold my head high
To smile and accept all fury
To suck in my belly and hold the noose tight
Be right
Be right
I am not right.
I am anything but straight neat and sheer perfection
I am anything but confidence and strict beliefs
I am anything but the box they're trying to fit me in
They frown
They walk away
Anger. Fury. How dare she give up?
How dare she not try,
They whisper in menace
And I merely look up to say
It's not the right time
As the world explodes around me
In a spray of blood, sweat and agony
I wait
I wait for the tide to calm
For a breath of fresh air
I wait
I wait for my muse
As she takes my hand
And gently shows me the yellow path
That is when I wake up
That is when I let the anger loose
That is when I let my heart explode
Leaving tears and gasps in my wake
Fragments of my soul touching theirs
Stirring the still, calming the panicked
As I lie still in the dust

Finally smiling.

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