Sunday, 14 February 2016

Struggles Are Worth It

It is a fresh day
The sky is BRIGHT blue
As I look out that window
And the world is new
New to all the chirpings and caws
To bustling alarms and colours fine
New like a wailing baby
Fearing the sunshine
And I smile at a quote
I wrote a while ago
A quote that flowed
From an inky stagnant blow
"I shall wait," I told myself,
"I shall wait and survive,
Not to be a corpse trudging about
But to live until I die.
One day," I said to me,
"One day I shall look up at the sky and smile,"
I thought, "I will smile
Knowing that all my struggles were worth the while."
And fight I did,
Through the trenches of hopelessness
Through unacknowledged depression
And labyrinths of the thoughtless,
I fought and stumbled upon the sky,
A rich blue, a twinkling night,
A soothing moon, a friendly sun,
And a well meaning deer that gave me a fright,
I was up on the surface, soaring to the heights,
And I landed in my fortress,
In my palace, my happy world,
A giggle at every fold of dress,
And here I ruled my life,
For it was my land to rule,
A queen proclaimed,
To be loved to the duel,
To be fought and be fooled,
To now laugh as one and brush of the flames
That once licked at the poisoned gates.
And Now I look out the window at the sky,
And I smile,
Knowing that all my struggles are worth it.


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