Saturday, 30 December 2017


Hope spoke to me
In a melody that I'd forgotten
Long ago.
She smiled and said,
"Just as you have
Clambered from the abyss
While it dragged you down
With a soul crushing force,
So will your wings
Erupt from the cage
That is your body,
To help you on a journey
To your dreams."
"But what of the pain?" I cried,
"Will it ever subside?"
She reached down
And plucked the heavy brick
That constricted my breathing
And weighed on my bleeding heart.
I breathed a sigh of relief
But gasped in horror
When a new brick
Started budding in its place
Along with oozing thorns of terror.
Hope bent to whisper in my ear,
Her warm breath washing over me
Causing the tree of nightmares
To pause for a moment
And wonder at her words,
"Pain and fear are immortal,
Just like me."