Monday, 19 June 2017

Walk with me Phenomena

When one thing turned to another and then to another and another and another other other
I watched it plop! onto the pot of water throwing its reminiscent minions in all directions.
The water went plonk! boink! glug!! and hushhhh! Settling to its former calm self as the world breathed around it with hot air and a drifting petal on its way to someplace, where god knows, that exists outside of our little reality upon which we churn and churn our madness and obsession with meaning morality mortality and more
On and on toiling day and night yearning for just one drop, that one drop of mercy that would satisfy our souls for the sins we believe we created and cry tears of relief washed with the rain and clouds till our hearts are blank once more and we invent a new hurdle, a new struggle, a new must and need and stab our wants repeatedly solely to do what is right in our minds
To do what must be done despite ourselves.
We could just stop.
Stop for a second just to think and listen to the futility of our weighted stride, of our horrors and screams and tears of slimy sorrows.
Dear man! You are but a spec in the vastness of time and instead of worrying about that metal hand of yours that spins round and round and round... stop! look up. It is a vast endless universe of stars, rock and spaces undefined by your futility
Just stop, man! Stop and let your tears slide for the universe is mind-bogglingly beautiful and you have been chosen to be among the select privileged few to witness this amazing phenomenon that is life within a universe.
Look up!
Be amazed at where you are!